David Merry’s Magic Shop

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The Tragedy Tray

The Tragedy Tray


AKA: The Comedy Drop Tray (seen here with wireless remote). There are several imitators on the market that are on timers but not under the performers complete control…Well until now. This is an unbelievably useful utility item, to which end there is no limit. It is finally available for the first time. It is a wireless remote control tray that has a handle release system that will fall out of the spectators hands on command by remote control. When you get an unsuspecting volunteer to hold this tray during any magic piece in your act, whatever you have resting on the tray hits the floor at your command. The possibilities are endless!

Available now for immediate delivery, more being manufactured weekly. All individually hand made, comes with handling ideas and gags. The performance video below shows the performance, where the handle releases when the remote control is pushed. These newly designed models are heavy duty and very reliable.

SKU: 0022 Category:

Dave has had more offers to release this piece than any other item in his show.

This has been a staple in Dave’s act for years. He had the prop custom made for him and wanted to release the item when he found the right builder whom he trusted and could ensure the standard needed for it’s design. The man who built most of the electronic props and remote control inventions in Dave’s show “Don’t Panic Remain.Com”, builds these. Dave has been friend and collaborator with Joe Leskovar (maker of high tech magical apparatus including “Stagecue“) for many years.

The boundaries are only limited by what you can think of putting on top of the tray. Customizing events for his corporate clients, Dave has used every product imaginable. Comedy club uses have included, glasses full of liquid, very intricate leggo buildings (painstakingly built by his kids), card castles, jewelry, a china tea set, A tray of beer cans, and a domino set up. Whatever you deem to be either fragile or valuable works best. Currently Dave puts his grandfather’s ashes (in an urn) on top. He asks the volunteer to hold the old mans remains and when he turns around to get a table for her to rest the tray on, it comes crashing to the ground.